Treatment is totally based on the type, area, duration & medical condition if any.
Consult your dermatologist for the best treatment because using home remedies & self
medication may worsen the situation.

Triggers include sun exposure, hormonal changes, and trauma to the skin, for example,
due to acne or an injury. Picking at scabs and spots may make it worse. Some face creams can
irritate the skin, leading to further hyperpigmentation.

The three main types include age spots, melasma, and post-inflammatory trauma. Postinflammatory trauma can result from an injury, sun exposure, or a skin condition, such as acne.

Hyperpigmentation is not physically harmful, but it does initiate self-conscience
behaviour and, at times, it can be difficult to treat.

Hyperpigmentation is a condition that produces abnormal discolorations on the skin.
This prevalent condition can occur in all skin types, genders and ethnicities. It's most common in
middle-aged individuals and sun worshipers.