The best way to find out is after a great hair wash. Some of the ways to confirm this include
minimal hair shedding, smooth hair texture, adjustment to moisture, dandruff-free scalp, minimal
breakage in styling, shiny hair strands, and finally your hair moves freely without staying in a clump.

Hair thinning is often visible to the person witnessing it. There are multiple signs one might
notice if they are experiencing this issue. Signs you should look for are Bald Patches, Hair Clumps,
Reduced Ponytail size, Visible Scalp and even Lighter Weight Hair.

The act of shampooing merely only loosens hair that is about to fall out. Excessive hair
styling may weaken or damage hair, and lead to hair breakage. However, both methods have not
been proven to be direct, underlying causes for hair loss.

This depends on the amount of the stress you’re experiencing and how much effect it has on
the normal functions of your body. Normally, the mild stress we experience on a day-to-day basis is
not enough to cause hair loss. The sudden physiological changes in your body may trigger a larger
amount of hairs on your head to go into a 'resting phase', and thus it may seem that you’re only
losing hair and that there is no growth.

 Both men and women can experience androgenetic alopecia, which is triggered by
hormones and genetics. Hair loss often occurs faster and more extensively in men. In fact, hair loss in
men may manifest as early as adolescence with the onset of hair recession near the temples, and the
appearance of the characteristic “M” shaped hairline. Hair loss in women, on the other hand,
experience diffuse thinning at the top of the head, which shows at the part line. Diffuse thinning can
occur as early as their 20s and 30s, due to hormonal changes and aging. In some cases, hair thinning
and baldness in women may also be caused by treatable illnesses such as thyroid disease or anemia.

It is normal to lose about 100 – 150 hair strands every day.

Hair shedding and hair loss share a commonality, there's also a key difference between
hair loss and hair shedding. Hair shedding is a regular process that occurs within the body, while
hair loss is related to something, either external or internal, that prevents the hair from growing
in a healthy manner.

It’s normal to shed between 50 and 100 hairs a day. When the body sheds significantly
more hairs every day, a person has excessive hair shedding. The medical term for this condition is
telogen effluvium.